成份 Ingredients
蟲草菌絲粉Cordyceps sinensis mycelium(CS4) 95% (含蟲草多糖Cordyceps polysaccharides, 腺苷adenosine,蟲草酸Cordyceps acid, 氨基酸amino acids)
葡萄籽精華Grape seed extract5%
產品功能 Product Efficacy
Improve Immunity, Improve Physical Fitness, Nourishing Yin and Strengthening Kidney, Improve sleeping quality, Improve protection of Liver.
膠囊服法 Dosage:
2 capsules one day, warm water delivery service.(Hot water do not exceed 40 degrees Celsius).
湯料服法 Soup making directions:
用于炖品、湯料時可加入4粒蟲草精華粉(除去外膠囊), 能提高湯料營養價值。(2人份量)
Add 4 capsules (Without the extermal capsules) into your soup or stew. The nutrition will be improve.
包裝 Packaging standard:
80 Capsules per bottle, each capsule includes 400mg contents.
膠囊 Capsules:
All external capsules are made from 100% natural, vegetable capsules.
貯存方法 Method of storage
注意密封, 置于陰涼干燥處, 避免陽光直接照射。